How to Fail Dismally at Skiing | Day 10 New Zealand

Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Quick announcement before I continue with this post. I am leaving for Hong Kong in less than 2 days so posts on New Zealand may be delayed again. On the bright side, I will have so much more content for this blog. I will be heading to Hong Kong, South Korea and finally Taiwan for the next 3 weeks. Packing my luggage has been put aside on to the procrastination list but I am ecstatic and raring to go! 

On to the topic of this post! A bit of a background on my athleticism skills. I am absolutely terrible at anything to do with sports. But I was in New Zealand! I had to go skiing. 

The Road to Wanaka | New Zealand Day 9

Sunday, January 11, 2015

The south island's west coast drive will be easily one of the most scenic routes you will ever drive in your lifetime. Be prepared for winding mountain roads, snow capped mountains, crystal clear flowing rivers, rain forest walks and more. This part of New Zealand is a remote and vastly untouched piece of wilderness. Most long haul driving trips are monotonous but this drive will definitely keep you awake. 

Fox Glacier and Drama | New Zealand Day 8

Saturday, January 3, 2015

The day I did the most exercise I have done in a very long while and was stranded out in the cold winter rain.

Wellington & Crazy Winds | New Zealand Day 6+7

Friday, January 2, 2015

If you were to ask me about my first impressions of Wellington I would say immediately that it was windy. How do you even go about daily life in so much wind! I asked a local if this was considered a normality and they confirmed that it was. I don't even want to know what a 'windy' day in Wellington actually is. My skin became horribly dry to the point where it hurt to smile so constant moisturisation throughout the day was a must. Thank you Clinique Dramatically Different moisturiser. You had served me well.

We soldiered through the weather and visited the Museum of New Zealand. It was nature-y, historical and sci-ency. Everything you need in a museum.