Quick announcement before I continue with this post. I am leaving for Hong Kong in less than 2 days so posts on New Zealand may be delayed again. On the bright side, I will have so much more content for this blog. I will be heading to Hong Kong, South Korea and finally Taiwan for the next 3 weeks. Packing my luggage has been put aside on to the procrastination list but I am ecstatic and raring to go!
On to the topic of this post! A bit of a background on my athleticism skills. I am absolutely terrible at anything to do with sports. But I was in New Zealand! I had to go skiing.
Skiing we went. This was a half day activity before moving onto Queenstown. The view was absolutely breathtaking. It was so surreal. We were fairly high up on a mountain so we were looking down at everything. Everything was so still it looked like a painting more so than real fields, rivers, mountains and towns. I've never seen a view quite like this one up at Treble Cone.
The drive up the snow mountain is a perilous one. Exercise utmost caution while driving up please and definitely put on your ice chains around your tyres before attempting to go up. The way up is very twisty and slippery. We were in luck this day! Treble Cone had just received a fresh batch of snow early in the morning so the snow was fluffy and soft.
We grabbed some ski gear and practiced on the baby ski section. For the life of me I could not hang on to the little pole that brought you to the top of the slope. The few times I did manage it, I gracefully ass planted on the ground trying to swerve off. I then crab walked slooowly to position myself for the down hill. I tried many, many times and I was never able to ski perfectly down without stacking it. My nerves caught up and I imagined my self breaking limbs and my neck when it got too fast. Needless to say, I still don't know how to ski.
Danny on the other hand knew how to ski. Or at least we both thought he did. He appeared experienced going down the baby slopes so he bravely got up the ski lifts by himself to the top of the mountain and attempted to ski down. I waited and waited. A few people had already done the loop several times already and yet, still no sign of Danny. I was getting a little bit worried but I couldn't do anything but watch. It was close to half an hour when I finally saw him slowly sliding down the mountain. I was relieved but this boy seriously overestimated his abilities. He told me about how terribly he did and how little kids were offering him a hand and that he had a pretty scary fall. Luckily he wasn't injured but we had a good laugh about it. At least he had an even more amazing view.
Nevertheless, we had a pretty amazing time up on the slopes. Who wouldn't? Fresh fluffy snow, crisp cold air and the most spectacular scenery.

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